Making Jesus Christ known by:
A – Adoring the Saviour
B – Building bridges with the community
C – Caring for each other
D – Developing as a disciple
E – Engaging in service

Our Values: The 7 E-Statements
· Embracing the old and the young
· Emphasising congregational worship
· Engaging the present
· Educated by the past
· Exalting God’s word alone
· Empowering for Spirit-filled ministry
· Equipping for service

Our Statement of Faith – What We BelieveElim
Strathmore Christian Fellowship is affiliated to the Elim Pentecostal Church as an Elim Church Incorporated (ECI). This means we retain governance of our own affairs whilst at the same time being in relationship with a growing Movement of more than 550 Christian congregations in the UK and Ireland. Strathmore Christian Fellowship’s Statement of Faith is in agreement with Elim’s Foundational Truths. Visit: