Angus foodbank logo

Angus Foodbank was launched by Strathmore Christian Fellowship under the umbrella of The Trussell Trust in October 2012. Every day people in the UK go hungry for reasons ranging from redundancy to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. Trussell Trust foodbanks provide a minimum of three days emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.  Latest Trussell Trust figures show a 2% increase in foodbank use on the previous year with 1,109,309 three-day emergency food supplies given to people in crisis by their network of 424 foodbanks in 2015/16.  Rising costs of food and fuel combined with static income, high unemployment and changes to benefits are causing more and more people to come to foodbanks for help. The Trussell Trust partners with churches and communities and currently there are over 420 foodbanks in the UK.

In the year 2015 -2016 Angus foodbank fed 2,700 people, 711 of whom were children.  We also received donations of 31 tons of in date food and distributed 26.6 tons of food to those in need.

In May 2014 the appointment of a full-time manager Alf Collington coincided with the Angus Foodbank operations moving from Kirriemuir to premises in Forfar.

In October 2016 one of our Elders Norman Brown took over from Alf Collington as the full time manager for the foodbank and Alf and Irene moved onto pastures new in the Borders serving Teen Challenge.

In the year 2016 -2017 Angus foodbank fed 3,634 people, 827 of whom were children.  We also received donations of 30.5 tons of in date food and distributed 37.5 tons of food to those in need.

In the year 2017 -2018 Angus foodbank fed 3,745 people, 928 of whom were children.  We also received donations of 27.25 tons of in date food and distributed 30 tons of food to those in need.

We have distribution centres in Forfar at 43 Craig O Loch Road, and 1 Gravesend, Arbroath.   Melville South Church Provost Johnston Road, Montrose have partnered with Angus foodbank and are a distribution centre for Montrose.  Angus is a large rural area (approximately 850 square miles) and if a client is unable to get to a foodbank then we are able to deliver the food parcels direct to them or they can receive them from the professional worker that referred them to the foodbank.

It is safe to say that Angus foodbank could not function without the dedicated help provided by the 100 or so volunteers that work for us.  If you would like to volunteer with us please visit our website.

For full details, visit:

How a foodbank works

Food is donated
All food given out is donated, whether by schools, churches, businesses, individuals, or through supermarket collections. Such collections engage the public at supermarkets where they are met by volunteers who offer shoppers a ‘foodbank shopping list’ and ask them to buy an extra item with their shop. This food is then collected at the checkout before being taken to the foodbank warehouse.

Food is sorted and stored
At the warehouse, food is sorted by volunteers according to type and ‘best before date’. They also check it is undamaged (and that it can be used in a food parcel) and pack it into boxes and store it, ready for use. Food is then taken to foodbank centres, where it is made up into food parcels for clients.

Front-line professionals identify people in need
Care professionals such as doctors, health visitors, social workers, Citizens Advice Bureau staff, welfare officers, the police and probation officers, amongst others, identify people in crisis and issue them with a foodbank voucher.

Clients receive food
Clients bring their voucher to a foodbank centre where it can be exchanged for three days supply of emergency food. Food parcels have been designed by dietitians to provide recipients with nutritionally balanced food. We also run a delivery service, which takes emergency food parcels to clients living in rural areas and those who cannot get to a foodbank.

Clients are signposted to further support
Volunteers meet clients over a cup of tea or hot meal and are able to signpost people to agencies who can help resolve the longer-term problem. As foodbanks are an emergency food-provision service, it is important to get clients in touch with organisations who can help them address the underlying problem.